Leaders Plan (It’s Sunday Start Day)

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It’s not easy being the leader — your family and your employees are depending on you to make your business successful.  As an entrepreneur, you eat what you kill which is a HUGE responsibility that requires time, intention, and a little sacrifice.  So, leaders plan!

What do we do to ensure it all gets done and we still have our wigs on straight?  We put intention into action.  We know Sundays are a day of rest and we want you to have time for yourself, family, and balancing your chakras, but we also know that once the business week starts, so does the clock on what we can accomplish with our partners and clients.  So we take a couple hours on Sunday to plan the week using the rock, pebble, sand philosophy to prioritize tasks.  So grab a notebook/laptop, paper calendar/iCalendar/Google Calendar, or daily planner and let’s get to it!

items to include in your schedule:
  • Email review – reading and responding *
  • Voicemail review – listening and returning calls *
  • Relationship management (clients, partners, vendors — checking in when you don’t want or need something from someone is a great way to get feedback you wouldn’t otherwise get and points for excellent service)
  • Payroll (review time sheets, enter or call in, confirm transmission)
  • Business finances (entering receipts, checking balances, reviewing open invoices/correspondence, paying bills – OR call Limitless for bookkeeping services 👏🏾👍🏾)
  • Perform services/design and build products (this is the lifeblood of your business but should also have time allocated – remember, work expands for the time you allow it)
  • Meetings – internal and external (be sure to create the agendas and send the invites)
  • Social media – research, creation, and publishing
  • Housekeeping (filing your email, social media post indexing, inventory and supply ordering, faxing, opening the mail)

These are just a few areas to consider.  There may be business fires that you have to put out during the week, but with the plan, you will be able to see what didn’t get done so your best laid plans can still be executed.   restructure your day so these.

For a custom blueprint for your business model, schedule a consult with Limitless!

* some email responses or return phone calls require research/pull records in order to respond.  In cases like this, use this time to delegate it OR add this to “perform services” part of your schedule.  Whatever you do, don’t just push it aside, plan put it in its proper box to be handled.  This is service!